While we will be away traveling...

While we will be away traveling...

We are getting ready for a big adventure in Japan. We are leaving after next Friday... for three whole weeks!!!

Prior to this trip... when we traveled (and were not available during Coco's birth), we never doubted closing our shop during our absence. But now... that we are slowly growing, we wanted to do things differently during this trip and have a good support system to continue opening our online store.

I am thrilled to share that "the" support system we will have is our lovely friend Christine (who designs and makes pretty leather clutches, etc.). Christine and I have been working together for last few weeks to pass on the Baum-kuchen order fulfillment flow and it has been a pretty exciting process for me.

I have to be honest... I have fulfilled and shipped thousands of packages in last four years by myself and sharing the process was like sharing my baby... if you know what I mean. This part of our operation is so special to me because it is the single most important real touchpoint we get to enjoy with our online customers... When I fulfill order, I think of the customer and how she or he would be using the products... sometimes I might imagine the weather or the house and town they might be living... I just put a lot or warm thoughts and positive karma in our simple packages.

And to observe the process gets communicated and translated have felt liberating and made me feel even closer to the process.

So in a few weeks..., please be ready to see some travel updates from Japan here at our blog! And if you decide to order items from our shop during the time, Christine (in the studio) and I (remotely from Japan - yes we will have wifi and will be checking emails once a day) will take care of your order with lots of love and care.

We will be closing our brick and mortar shop during our travel so if you are in Los Angeles area and are planning to pick up items (like your Traveler's Notebook refills!), please do so in advance! I will be opening the shop this Thursday, Friday all day... and Saturday afternoon! (and few more days next week)

If you have any questions reg. our store (both online and brick and mortar), please feel free to send me an email:) - wakako@baum-kuchen.net!




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